Can you imagine a space like Colorado Canyon, but in the north of Spain? Bardenas Reales are an extensive semidesert and uninhabited territory located in Navarra. It offers you a characteristic and practically unique landscape, with abrupt relief, full of hillocks, flatlands and embedded ravines. The climate is characterized by hot summers, cold winters and little rainfall.
Bardenas Reales Natural Park and Biosphere Reserve is in the centre of Ebro Valley depression, has an area of more than 41,000 hectares and borders a total of thirteen Navarran municipalities. Broadly speaking, three zones can be distinguished. The Bardena Blanca is the central depression, with often whitish, bare soils and a desert-like appearance. The Plane is an almost flat elevated alluvial terrace, with soils coming from the contributions of Aragón River. La Negra is characterized by the existence of large plants, caused by horizontal layers of calza; the slopes covered with pines and Kermes oaks and its dark soil have given rise to the place name.
Hotel Santamaría in Tudela is the best space for your rest if you want to visit Navarra and get closer to Bardenas Reales. Although it is about 30 minutes away by car, its long history in the hospitality sector, as well as its location and connection to the heart of the city, make it an ideal space for these days. Santamaría will also allow you to enjoy Tudela after a day in one of the most desert landscapes of Comunidad Foral.
Bardenas Reales, a protected natural area in Navarra full of fauna and flora
Bardenas Reales form a territory of privileged nature and unique landscape, values that have motivated the declaration of different legal figures for their protection. Thus, in 1999 it was declared Natural Park and shortly thereafter a Place of Community Interest. To these recognitions must be added that of Biosphere Reserve in 2000.
The place constitutes a vast and complex natural space in which different habitats or biotopes are represented, some of them of exceptional value. In short, you will be able to differentiate environmental units such as pine forests, scrublands, steppes, salt marshes, wetlands, cliffs, buildings and crops.
In relation to the fauna, one of the most singular communities are the steppe birds, adapted to live in flat and clear places, with little vegetation. They abound in these lands, especially in La Blanca depression. They can be mentioned: terreras (common and marismeña), cogujadas (common and montesina), wheatears (grey, blonde and black), calandria, sandgrouse, ortega, little bustard, stone curlew, etc. The Dupont's lark stands out for its rarity, while the bustard, the giant of the steppe, sporadically visits some areas. Another group of birds to highlight are the birds of prey, some of them very easy to see: griffon vulture, golden eagle, Egyptian vulture or eagle owl.
Mammals are present in all environments, although they are discreet and difficult to observe: rabbit, hare, fox, stone marten, badger, wild cat, roe deer or wild boar. Aquatic birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish and invertebrates complete the Natural Park fauna.
Without any doubt, if you are a lover of nature at its best, visiting Las Bardenas Reales is a great option for a getaway during the da Holy Week. Contact Hotel Santamaría to see the different types of rooms and make your reservation. Also consult the promotions available as well as all the cultural and gastronomic offer of the city. At Hotel Santamaría you will find personalized treatment, comfort and tranquillity so that nature, gastronomy and rest combine perfectly.